Mental Wellness and Support Services » Counseling Resources

Counseling Resources

Guidance and counseling programs in schools provide a wide range of comprehensive services to students. Services are intended to address barriers to learning, promote healthy lifestyles and support success for all students.

Guidance and Counseling staff perform similar duties at all schools but craft their services based on the needs of the current student body at that school. Examples of program services include: short-term individual counseling for a variety of issues that impact students success; consultation with parents and guardians, teachers, administrators, community service providers; facilitate skill-building student support groups, academic planning, placement and advisement towards high school graduation and post-high school options, career guidance and consultation and interpretation and guidance with standardized testing.

All elementary, middle and high schools have one or more of the following guidance and counseling staff:
SEL Counselors
School Counselors
School Psychologists
Behavior Interventionists
College and Career Specialists