District » School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.)

School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.)

What is S.A.R.B.?

California Education Code (EDC) 48200 states that all people between the ages of 6 and 18 are required to receive a full-time education. This includes attending a public school full-time for the length of the school day as determined by the school district's governing board. Parents, guardians, or other people in charge of a child are responsible for ensuring they attend school. If a child is truant or chronically absent the school district must notify the child's parent or guardian and inform them of their obligations to ensure that their student(s) attend school. 

If any student is habitually truant, has irregular attendance, or is habitually insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school, the student may be referred to a School Attendance Review Board (SARB). The SARB committee will work with the parent and the student to determine appropriate interventions for the student and family. (EC 48263)


What does it mean to be truant (EC 48260):

  • Truant means a student who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year, or tardy/absent for more than 30 minutes in any period during the school day without a valid excuse.
  • Habitual Truant means a student who has been reported as truant three or more times within the same school year, provided the school has made an effort to hold at least one parent/guardian conference with the student/parent after either of the previous two Truancies. 
  • Chronic Truant means a student who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for 10 percent or more of the school days in one school year, provided the school has made attempts to address the previous absences. 

What does it mean to be chronically absent (irregular attendance at school):

  • Chronic absenteeism is when a student misses 10% or more of the total number of school days in a year, for any reason. 
  • Parentally excused absences, including doctor’s notes, count toward chronic absenteeism.  


The purpose of the SARB is to work with families to ensure that their student’s behavior is appropriate while at school, and that they attend school on time and regularly.  The SARB holds parents and students accountable by:

  • Enforcing the compulsory attendance laws
  • Monitoring student attendance and informing parents of chronic tardiness or absenteeism
  • Offering support services and referrals to other agencies for students and families in need
  • Enforcing sanctions when appropriate (typically occurs if the panel needs to reconvene on the same student)
  • Referring non-compliant parents to court

S.A.R.B. Steps


A student who reaches 3 unexcused absences or 5 truant (more than 30 minutes late) tardies will trigger the SARB process to begin with letter #1 sent home to parents.



A student who reaches 5 unexcused absences or 7 truant tardies will trigger SARB letter #2 to be sent home to parents. At this time, the parent must attend a conference with administration at the school site to sign an attendance agreement and acknowledge the status of their student’s attendance issues.  This site meeting is an SST School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting. Interventions and support will be discussed at this meeting. Parents will be informed of their legal obligation to make sure their student(s) attend school and the possible consequences of failure to comply with the law.



A student who reaches 7 unexcused absences or 10 truant tardies will trigger SARB letter #3. After receiving letter #3, parents will be required to attend a formal SARB hearing to find a resolution to the attendance problem. As determined at the conference, the student and parents will agree to and sign a district-level SARB “Attendance Contract”.

Failure to Comply

Failure to follow the terms of the Attendance Contract will result in a citation being issued by the Exeter Police Department and/or a legal complaint being filed with the Tulare County Superior Court. Parents and their student must attend a hearing before a judge, who will set conditions and/or cite family with an infraction or misdemeanor and fine due to the truancy. The SARB chairperson attends this hearing and represents the district. The district may also report your truancy case to Child Welfare Services, Probation, CalWorks, and/or petition to delay the driving privilege of your student(s) when necessary.

Exeter Unified School District’s S.A.R.B. panel consists of the following members:


  • SARB Chairperson
  • Site administrator 
  • Site mental health staff (if appropriate)
  • District nurse (if appropriate)
  • Representative from Exeter Police Department
  • Representative from Tulare County Probation Department (if appropriate)
  • Representative from Child Welfare Services
  • Representative from Sequoia Youth Services
  • Bilingual Community Representative
  • District Office Administrator or Representative