Deputy Superintendent
Exeter Unified School District is committed to ensuring and improving the quality of teaching and achievement for all students by providing instructional programs, projects, and curricular resources to facilitate academic success. Please visit the district’s Curriculum and Instruction page for more information about classroom learning.
In addition to the oversight of the district’s academic program and development of teacher’s ongoing professional training, the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and annual update provides key information regarding the districts actions and expenditures related to the state’s eight state priorities including implementation of state standards, parent involvement, school climate, and more. The LCAP is a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) engaging parents, educators, employees, and the community to establish the plans. Each spring the district facilitates LCAP forums in which our stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide valuable feedback on how future expenditures can be modified to increase and improve student learning.
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the state’s assessment and accountability division used to measure student understanding of Common Core State Standards including the English Language Arts and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing in grades 3-8 and 11. The California Science Test (CAST) is an online assessment based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which is administered to all students in grades 5, 8, and at least one grade level 9-12. Physical Fitness Testing (PFT) is administered annually to all students in grades 5, 7, and 9 and is a comprehensive six-part assessment aimed to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.
The California School Dashboard shows how districts and schools are performing on test scores, graduation rates and other measures of student success. Visit to obtain accountability reports related to the district and/or schools. Our district vision is that all students will graduate prepared to further their educational and career goals as contributing members of a global society. The district constantly evaluates various student learning measures to set goals and to ensure improvements are made. It is through the partnership with students, parents, and the community that our high-quality academic programs result in the highest levels of student learning.