Business » CUPCCAA


The Exeter Unified School District (EUSD) has adopted the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Procedures under Public Contract Code §22000 et seq.  In accordance with the State of California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission, EUSD is inviting all interested vendors to submit their company for inclusion on the EUSD’s list of vendors.
Per California Public Contract Code 22032, any Public Works Project that is estimated to be between $60,000 and $200,000 is subject to the Informal Bidding Procedures set forth by the state of California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission.  All trade categories are subject to Informal Bidding Procedures. 

Contractors that are interested in being on the EUSD Vendor List for projects of this size are required to have a current license and PWC Registration Number and are subject to verification by the Contractors State License Board and Department of Industrial Relations.

Notice to Construction Contractors

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Exeter Unified School District of Tulare County, California, acting by
and through the Governing Board adopted a resolution placing the District under the section 22034 of the public contract code (UPCC).

Under Section 22036, the District invites all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on the District’s list of qualified bidders for the calendar year 2023.

Contractors are asked to submit their contractor’s license(s) and California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registration number.

Contractors may at any time ask their firm to be added to the list.

Interested contractors are required to submit the their information on EUSD’s online:

Senate Bill 854- Public Works Contractor Registration Program

Senate Bill 854, signed into law June 20, 2014, became effective immediately.  It established a new public works contractor registration program which will collect fees to fund compliance monitoring and enforcement, determine prevailing wage and public works coverage, and hear enforcement appeals.
All contractors and subcontractors intending to bid or perform work on public works projects will be required to register and renew annually online for the program.  The cost to register for the program is currently $300.00 and is non-refundable.  This is a DIR fee paid to the State.  The District will not register a contractor, nor collect funds.
Public works refers to construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work (including maintenance) done under contract and paid by public funds.  For a more detailed explanation of public works projects, refer to California Labor Code 1720 -1720.6. 
If you intend to bid or provide services on District projects in the future, please ensure you are registered with the DIR prior to March 1, 2015.  Effective immediately, the District will be required to fill out a form alerting the DIR of the services you are providing the District.  Detailed information is required to complete this form.  You may be asked to provide information needed to complete the DIR form. You will be asked to complete this in a timely manner to avoid interruption in the services you are providing.
More information can be found at The Department of Industrial Relations.
For more information regarding Public Works Contractor Registration or CUPCCAA, please contact:
Bernadine Landeros
Admin. Asst. to the Superintendent
559-592-9421 x0403