Foggy Day Schedule Information

In accordance with the Vehicle Code Section 34501.6,Exeter Unified School District school buses shall not operate when atmospheric conditions reduce visibility to 200 feet or less. Media will announce foggy day transportation scheduling for the Exeter Unified School District by indicating one of the plans listed below, using only the letter designation, such as Plan “A”.  Parents with students that ride the School Bus and students should be familiar with these plans.  Parents are urged to use caution in determining how conditions affect their student’s method of getting to and from school.  Parents may opt to send Pre-Kindergarten - 12th grade students after the fog has lifted.  Students will not be penalized if tardy due to the fog.

PLAN “A”  - When this announcement is made, it will indicate:

  1.       Ground fog exists in certain isolated areas throughout the Exeter Unified School District
  2.       Bus transportation and classes will start on regular schedules

PLAN “B” - When this announcement is made, it will indicate:

  1.       AM Bus transportation (all country routes) will be delayed by one and one-half (1 ½) hours
  2.       In town crosstown Wilson buses will run on time – 7:40 A.M. 

(Rocky Hill to Wilson and Lincoln to Wilson)

  1.   In town bus stops will pick up at normal times: 
  • Orange , Pine & Fairway, Schroth Park, Elberta, Jacob & Vine
  • Filbert & Village, Glaze @ the Alley, Belmont Family Appt, and Wilson
  1.       Classes will start on regular schedule
  2.       Changes, if necessary, will be announced at approximately 8:00 A.M.

PLAN “C” - When this announcement is made, it will indicate:

  1.   All morning country bus routes will be canceled
  •         Pick ups in town for Elementary will run 1 ½ hours after normal time these stops include:
  • .   Orange , Pine & Fairway, Schroth Park, Elberta, Jacob & Vine
  •       Filbert & Village, Glaze @ the Alley, Belmont Family Appt, and Wilson
  1.   In Town crosstown Wilson buses will run twice – 7:40 A.M. and 9:00 A.M.

(Rocky Hill to Wilson and Lincoln to Wilson).

  1.   Classes will start at their  regular schedule
  2.   Buses will be dispatched on all “school-to-home” routes on the regular day schedule

A district wide email will be sent to staff announcing any Foggy Day Schedules usually by 6:30 AM.      A Parent Square will be sent out by 6:30 AM to notify parents of  the appropriate Plan.  If there are any questions  you can call Transportation at (559) 592-5573     

In General, please exercise caution  during our foggy days:

  • Please slow down, turn on your headlights, if they are on Auto you will need to turn them on manually
  • Allow extra time for your commute &  Increase your following distance

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