Health Screenings, Examinations and Records
Health Records
Health records are maintained on every student. These records are confidential and are maintained throughout the student’s school attendance. These records include information on immunizations, health screening results, health problems reported to school, health problems experienced while at school, health related documents submitted to school and any other health related information.
Please remember to always complete a new emergency card and submit the appropriate health information for your child at the start of EVERY school year!
State law requires that all children receive specific immunizations in order to enter public and private schools. Please be sure to submit a complete vaccination record for your child and update it as needed. Contact your school health services staff member with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s immunization requirements.
Tuberculosis skin testing is also required by California law. Please submit a record of the most recent tuberculosis skin test your child has received. Contact your school health services staff member with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s tuberculosis skin test requirement.
Health Screenings and Examinations
California law requires the following screenings and Examinations:
- Physical: Kindergarten or 1st grade & as requested
- Vision: School entry, Kindergarten or 1st, every 3 years through 8th grade & as requested
- Hearing: School entry, Kindergarten or 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, & 10th or 11th
*Additional screenings may be conducted and/or requested as needed.