Health Services » Medications and Healthcare While at School

Medications and Healthcare While at School

Medication Policy

A medication authorization form is necessary for ALL medications needed while at school. ALL medications require a physician’s order and parent signature on file with the school health staff. Please access the Medication Policy and Medication Form(s) at the bottom of this page.

Healthcare Plans

Some children require healthcare services during the school day. A school health plan can be developed to meet the individual needs of a student with special health concerns. If your child has a severe allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizures or another chronic or concerning health condition which may require special attention, please contact the district nurse or your school health services staff member so a health assessment can be done. A health plan will be created to best meet the needs of your child. The healthcare plan will be created in conjunction with your child's medical providers and pertinent school staff.

Referrals and Area Medical Resources

The health services staff refers various health issues to healthcare providers for further assessment, care and treatment as needed. Parents and guardians can also contact their child’s school health services provider when assistance is needed locating health services or health service providers.

Medications at School

If possible, parents are advised to give medication at home on a schedule other than during school hours. If it is necessary that a medication is given during school hours, the following regulations must be followed:
  • Antibiotics or other medications ordered to be given three times per day should be given before and after school and at bedtime. 
  • Medications must be brought to school by a parent/guardian in its original container with the appropriate label intact. All medications in unsealed containers will be counted with the nurse.
  • All over-the-counter medications must be in its original, sealed/unopened container.
  • Parent/guardian must sign an 'In School Medication Form' granting the school nurse/school designee permission to administer medication according to regulations.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to report to the designated area to take his/her medicine.
All unused medication will be destroyed if not picked up by the parent/guardian by the last day of school.