Mental Wellness and Support Services » Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

The Governing Board of Exeter Unified School District has adopted a Suicide Prevention Policy. This policy aims to safeguard students and staff against suicide attempts, deaths and other trauma associated with suicide, including ensuring adequate support for students, staff, and families affected by suicide attempts and loss.

Under the supervision of school-employed mental health professionals, and following consultation with county and community mental health agencies, the policy includes the following prevention and intervention strategies for students:
  • Students will receive developmentally appropriate education about the warning signs of mental health challenges and emotional distress.
  • Students will receive guidance regarding the district’s suicide prevention, intervention, and referral procedures.
  • When a student is identified as being at risk, they will be assessed by a mental health professional who will work with the student and help connect them to appropriate local resources.
  • School sites and students will share the responsibility of reducing the stigma associated with mental illness and the fact that early prevention and intervention can drastically reduce the risk of suicide.
  • Student-focused suicide prevention education can be incorporated into classroom curricula (e.g., health classes and physical education).
  • Students are encouraged to notify a staff member when they are experiencing emotional distress or suicidal ideation, or when they suspect or have knowledge of another student’s emotional distress, suicidal ideation, or attempt.
  • Having a streamlined and well-planned reintegration to school ensures the safety and wellbeing of students who have previously attempted suicide. Parents/guardians of these students are encouraged to schedule a reintegration meeting with a school site administrator and a District support staff member to develop an appropriate re-entry process.

You can approach any staff member for assistance. Exeter Unified School District has Support Staff that can help. School site administrators can assist you in contacting them or contact the District Office directly at 592-9421.

School Psychologists: Marlaine Jensen; Dr. Lynn Skaff, Louis Chavez, Christen Hastings
SEL Counselors: Virginia Long, Hannah Moody
District-Wide Counselor: Adele DeSousa, LMFT
Substance Abuse Prevention/Intervention Counselors: Rick Thompson; Jerri Thompson

When school sites are closed, students and families are encouraged to call Sequoia Youth Services at (559) 594-4969 or the Exeter Police Department at (559) 592-3103 in the event of a crisis related to suicidal attempts or ideations.

Other resources include:
➧The Crisis Text Line: test “HOME” to 741741
➧The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
➧Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning) Youth: 1-866-488-7386